Bio-Motivated Geomagnetic Navigation Based on Leading Angle Technique and Parameters


  • Muhammad Miqdad Khan Department of Physics, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Dua Kamran Khan Department of Physics, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan



Geomagnetism, Navigation, Bionic


This paper takes into account the matter of approach towards working on a navigation system based on geomagnetism, inspired by a concept found in biology, named as Geomagnetic Bionic Navigation. Firstly, the deserved significance and the need for the above-mentioned system is discussed, which motivates the researchers towards its development. The discussion elaborates on the fact that it goes beyond the point where other navigation systems reach their limits. What follows is a brief introduction to the applications of the geomagnetic field. Secondly, all ideas of methodologies have been introduced. The choice of method has been discussed, taking into consideration the behavior of animals concerning the geomagnetic field. Lastly, the most feasible way of achieving the system has been complemented with a mathematically-supported discussion.


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How to Cite

Khan, M. M., & Khan, D. K. (2020). Bio-Motivated Geomagnetic Navigation Based on Leading Angle Technique and Parameters. Advanced Journal of Science and Engineering, 1(3), 69–73.



Review Article