About the Journal

Advanced Journal of Science and Engineering (Adv. J. Sci. Eng.); eISSN: 2717-0705

This is a multidisciplinary international research journal covering all fields of sciences and engineering established by SciEng Publishing Group.

This double-blind peer-reviewed journal aims to provide a rapid-processing platform for researchers from all around the world to share their latest findings.

First decision on submission will be made in two weeks after initial submission.

Online publishing for the accepted submission will be available in two weeks after acceptance.

The journal policy is pure Open Access without any charges for authors and readers.

Advanced Journal of Science and Engineering has been publishing Quarterly (4 issues per year) accepting all Original Research and Review Articles in addition to Short Communications and Letters.

Please visit the journal webiste at http://adv-j-sci-eng.com

Please submit your manuscripts to Advanced Journal of Science and Engineering through on-line submission system >>> LINK <<<

In case of any questions, please contact us; E-mail: adv-j-sci-eng@sciengpub.com