Synchrotron Facilities for Advanced Scientific Oriented Research
Crystal structure, Electronic structure, SynchrotronradiationAbstract
Synchrotron radiation (SR) is emitted from moving driven charged particles on linear path which are accelerated in circular accelerators to produce a wide range of light wavelengths. Since the first observation of SR, accelerator technologies have been developed to provide synchrotron facilities, which have significant roles for developments of science and technology in the world. Fundamental scientific benefits in addition to industrial services have made synchrotron facilities at the top rank of advanced facilities to provide better quality for life. To this aim, SESAME has been built up for users of Middle East countries and two other ones TAC and ILSF have been also planned to build up to stimulate developments in science and technology. It is worth to note that applicability in various fields of science and engineering areas made SR based facilities as a necessary plan for different countries worldwide in spite of its expensive installation cost.
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